Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Day 1 - Sheesh! I'm Late Already

Exhausted but still excited. Nearing the end of my first day of the S.A.C. Songwriting & Blogging Challenge 2014. It's Monday night, actually Tuesday around 2:00am.

Sunday night I pulled an all-nighter, revamping my website - still a ways to go on that. Then set up this blog, so I can follow the rules of the challenge. Like many of the participants, I need to make this happen, mainly to prove to myself I can.

I've been writing and playing music for most of my life. But I've never been really prolific, usually writing in fits and starts. Now I have no other career to distract me, wonderful support from my wife, and no excuse. It's time to buckle down.

A song a week, I can do this!

I read on the S.A.C. site that professionals write three to five songs a week. I don't doubt it. As an advertising copywriter in the late '60's, I used to write three to five print ads a week. And believe me, that's no mean feat. Contrary to what you might think, the quality standards in that business are very high, at least in the shops where I worked.

I'm new to blogging, so I'm not really sure what I should be talking about here. I'll just let it evolve.

I intend to listen to everyone's songs, and read their blogs, at least a few times each. I'm so impressed with the creative and technical ability of this group of songwriters, a few of whom I've met personally, but mostly not..

Intimidated might be a better word. But what the heck - you do the best you can, which is usually a lot better than you think it is. Yeah, I worked through Julia Cameron's "The Artist's Way", twice. So I can get over the psych games I so often play with myself.

When I do, I'm really pumped to do this. I'm sure we all are. And I wish the very best success to all of you.

'Til next time ...

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